Parramatta High School

Respect, Responsibility and Honesty

Telephone02 9635 8644


Personal Development, Health, Physical Education (PDHPE)


Head Teacher: Mr C. Youssef


The PDHPE faculty at Parramatta High School is staffed by skilled and experienced teachers who work together to ensure that students are provided with learning experiences that are relevant and that meet all student needs.

All of our courses, mandatory and elective, provide the opportunity for our students to enhance their personal health and wellbeing, enjoy an active lifestyle, maximise movement potential and advocate lifelong health and physical activity.



PDHPE contributes significantly to an individual's physical, social, emotional, cognitive and spiritual health. It provides learning opportunities for students to become empowered as they embark on the journey of life. The aim of PDHPE is to assist students in learning about and developing the skills and strategies that are vital to healthy life practices. As the health and wellbeing of Australians is being affected by poor food choices and sedentary lifestyles, not to mention the rise of mental illnesses, it is imperative that individuals steer their own health and that they are equipped with the knowledge of how they can have a positive influence on their own health and the health of others. It promotes the value and the positive effect that physical activity can have on both the mind and the body.

This occurs in PDHPE through the development of knowledge and understanding and skills through four key strands – Self and Relationships, Movement Skill and Performance, Individual and Community Health and Lifelong Physical Activity. PDHPE is a mandatory course for all students in Stages 4 and 5 where they partake in both theory and practicals units of work. At Parramatta High School we have developed units of work that cover the four key strands. Students study the following units with a focus on the syllabus areas mentioned in the table below.

Students also learn through movement experiences in practical lessons that are both challenging and enjoyable and that promote the value of physical activity in their lives. Practical units for Stage 4 revolve around mini games and activities and modified games covering the following areas: kick, pass and run, invasion, striking, court and net, fitness, athletics, cross country and dance. Stage 5 students cover a range of physical activities including: athletics, cross country, dance, soccer, basketball, oz tag, touch football, AFL, Volleyball, badminton, speedminton, mini tennis, softball, cricket and European handball.  


The aim of the Physical Activity and Sports Studies Syllabus is to enhance students' capacity to effectively participate in physical activity and sport, leading to improved quality of life for themselves and others. PASS represents a broad view of physical activity and the many possible contexts in which individuals can build activity into their lifestyle. Participation in regular physical activity is necessary to improve the health status and quality of life of individuals and provides opportunities for personal challenge, enjoyment and satisfaction.

PASS builds on the skills developed in the Years 7 – 10 syllabus and also the K – 6 syllabus and encourages students to work collaboratively with others, display management and planning skills to achieve personal and group goals, perform movement skills with increasing proficiency and to analyse and appraise information, opinions and observations to inform physical activity and sport decisions.

Students complete programs that are developed around one or more modules from three different Areas of Study; Foundations of Physical Activity, Physical Activity and Sport in Society and Enhancing Participation and Performance.  There is a strong focus on learning through movement so the programs developed use selected movement applications where appropriate to explore the areas of study. 


PDHPE is an optional elective in Year 11 and 12. Both the Preliminary and HSC courses consist of two core modules representing 60% of course time. The Preliminary course has an options component, representing 40% of course time, where students study two out of the four possible areas of study. While the HSC course also has an options component, representing 40% of course time, where students study two out of a possible five areas of study.

Students receive 7 periods per 2 week cycle and study the Preliminary Course developed by the NSW Board of Studies. The Preliminary Course runs for three terms with students studying the following Units of Study:

  • Better Health for Individuals
  • The Body in Motion
  • First Aid
  • Fitness Choices

While there are no "practical" type lessons similar to the 7-10 program, there will be the occasional lab type activity where students may be monitoring heart rates during exercise for example.

Students receive 7 periods per 2 week cycle and study the Higher School Certificate Course developed by the NSW Board of Studies. The HSC Course starts in Term 4 once students have completed their Preliminary Course. Students study the following units:

  • Health Priorities in Australia
  • Factors Affecting Performance
  • Sport and Physical Activity in Australian Society
  • Sports Medicine

Again there a no "practical" type lessons similar to the year 7-10 program, however there will be the occasional lab type activity.


The Community and Family Studies syllabus explores life issues that are important to all young people and of equal relevance to both male and female students. The topics investigated and the emphasis on research ensures a course that is attractive to many students, with the capacity to challenge and extend all students' ability levels. CAFS aims to develop in each student an ability to manage resources and take action to support the needs of individuals, groups, families and communities in Australian society.

Students receive 7 periods per 2 week cycle and study the Preliminary Course developed by the NSW Board of Studies. The Preliminary course consists of three mandatory modules. Students study the following Preliminary course modules:

  • Resource Management
  • Individuals and Groups
  • Families and Communities

Students receive 7 periods per 2 week cycle and study the Higher School Certificate Course developed by the NSW Board of Studies. The HSC course consists of three core modules representing 75% of course time and an options component representing 25% of course time. Students study the following HSC course core modules:

  • Research Methodology
  • Groups in Context
  • Parenting and Caring

They also study one of the following three options modules:

  • Family and Societal Interactions
  • Social Impact of Technology
  • Individuals and Work


The Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation course develops the knowledge, understanding and skills that a student needs to adopt active and health-promoting lifestyles. SLR allows Stage 6 students to build upon their learning in Years K – 10 PDHPE. Specifically, it focuses on those aspects of the learning area that relate most closely to participation in sport and physical activity. SLR makes a positive contribution to the total wellbeing of students. They develop knowledge and understanding of the value of activity, increased levels of movement skill, competence in a variety of sport and recreation contexts and skills in planning to be active. These and other aspects of the course enable students to adopt and maintain an active lifestyle.

The course features a highly practical focus and all students are given significant opportunities to apply theoretical understanding to practical situations that are socially and culturally relevant and gender inclusive.